Friday, August 24, 2012

We’re Expanding!

Things are still a little tough all over, but at Dynamic Filtration, we’re lucky enough to be so busy that we need to expand our operation.  Right now, we are planning to add 7,500 sq. ft. to our existing 8,500 sq. ft. Waterloo, Ontario building. Up until now, we have had to squeeze both our production and storage in the same area, but with the upgrade both will have dedicated areas. This will allow us to manufacture and supply more inlet filters, and filter systems for compressors and blower units. It will also make our filter recovery services more efficient and responsive to our customers.
All of this growth is coming a critical moment in our industry, because we’ve really seen a boom in our work with filtration systems for vacuum trucks. More and more people are learning the incredible benefits of vacuum trucks for a wide variety of uses, including using vacuum trucks and our filters to install telephone poles without disturbing and existing wires. Not exactly, the first thing you think of when you think of a vacuum truck, but it is a perfect example of how wide a reach the industry now has.
As the expansion progresses we will be posting updates and pictures to the blog, so keep checking back!

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